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Joe McGaunn

I’m Joe, and I am currently working as a Research Associate at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA. I work on understanding how potential cancer drugs work to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact. Before working with Interactome Media, I helped start the science podcast “A Little About a Lot” at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I love talking about and working with people on things related to science, medicine, policy, and anything else that can help make the world better. I’m hoping to do an MD-PhD program so that I can help bring scientific discoveries from the bench to the bedside, help people with hard-to-treat diseases, and bring what I learn back to the lab bench to start the cycle all over again.

Lauren Kageler

Hi, my name is Lauren and I currently work as a Research Associate at the Broad Institute in Boston, MA. My research is focused on developing a new therapeutic target for glioblastoma (brain cancer) which is really important as there is currently no effective treatment for patients diagnosed with this disease. In the future, I hope to pursue a PhD program in the biomedical sciences and contribute to the wonderful world of science in a meaningful way. Outside of the lab I enjoy running along the Charles River Esplanade, going on hikes, cooking new recipes and hanging out with friends.


Maia Reyes

My name is Maia, and I am a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley’s MCB program and resident designer for Interactome Media. I study the process of meiosis - the generation of gametes, or sex cells - using the model organism budding yeast. I’m currently investigating changes in protein complex composition during this amazing developmental process. When I’m not in the lab, I enjoy doing artsy things and drinking boba!

Interests: cell & developmental biology, gene regulation, JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) initiatives, science communication, mentorship, art, dramas & animated series, trying new recipes

Sam LaRussa

I'm Sam, a PhD candidate in the biochemistry and biophysics program at Brandeis University. My research focuses on chaperone proteins, which help other proteins fold. I'm very interested in the mechanisms behind how proteins do their work, and especially how they convert chemical energy into motion and shape changes. Outside of lab, I enjoy photography, exploring my neighborhood, and teaching.


Sarah Ditelberg

Hi! My name is Sarah and I am a second-year medical student at Loyola Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago. I'm passionate about making science inclusive, fun, and accessible to many different backgrounds. I aim to pursue these goals in my community, and in my patient care and research. In my free time, I enjoy being active outdoors, reading, spending time with friends and family, experimenting with new recipes, and music (anything and everything, but especially Def Leppard!)

Natalie DiDomenico

Hi I’m Natalie, thanks for visiting the Interactome! I have a background in media and communication with a passion for all things science. I have degrees in microbiology and journalism and I’ve written for NASA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife. I currently reside in Boston where I work for a public relations agency. In my free time I enjoy reading thrillers, bird watching and spending time with my loved ones.

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Sam "Pickle" Pickell

I’m Pickle, and I’m a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Lowell where I studied and received my Master of Science degree in Computer Science. I currently work as a Software Engineer.  If there’s one thing my studies taught me, there is no better way to learn than by trying things, making mistakes, and learning from them. I originally was just the voice behind The Interactome’s openings, but I now have the opportunity to edit the podcast, as well as give my two cents on topics relating to technology, grad school, and anything else that I have experienced in life that may be interesting to you, the listener. For fun, I can be found building computers, voice acting, video and audio editing, or spending time with friends.

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